Thursday, September 25, 2008

Lists of Seven

Ways to Achieve Happiness and Success:

1. Be yourself and do not worry what others will think.
2. Slacking will only hurt you in the long run.
3. Make time for relaxing.
4. Reflect on what you have achieved and where you are going with your life.
5. One word. Karma.
6. Find what truly makes you happy and not someone else.
7. Negativity is a waste of time and energy.

Fashion Tips:

1. Matchy-matchy is tacky-tacky.
2. It is always better to be overdressed than under.
3. Make a good mascara your new best friend.
4. Fake tans are more obvious than you might think.
5. When all else fails, go with a simple chignon.
6. Keep cleavage to a minimum.
7. Well kept nails (painted or not) are a must.

Must Haves:

1. A simple white or black shirt.
2. Flat knee-high boots.
3. Thickening mascara.
4. Opaque black tights.
5. Dark wash skinny jeans.
6. At least one ruffly shirt.
7. Colorful scarves for simple outfits.


Nature Graffiti said...

i adore this :)

Anonymous said...

too bad my numbers two and three conflict far too many times!


Belowen said...

Great lists!

L\ said...

nice lists.
seven's my fave number. : )


Great tips and ideas. I loved reading them all. :)

Thanks for the lovely comment in my blog. AW, you are so sweet!

xo/ fashion chalet

house & home said...
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TIG said...

Wonderful lists, and full of great advice. Especially love the "Ways to Achieve Happiness and Success"